5 Antiviral Foods for an Iron-Clad Immunity This Winter, According to This Doctor

Boosting your immune system doesn’t have to be complicated. Dr. Nick Zyrowski, a wellness expert, is a big advocate for using nature to improve immunity. He reveals the top 5 antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal foods to stay healthy. On the agenda: essential nutrients, questions of dosage and concentration, and a comparison with synthetic immunity.

Vitamin C: A Powerful Ally Against the Common Cold

Vitamin C is a crucial nutrient for treating and preventing the common cold, which affects many people each year. Contrary to popular belief, yellow bell peppers are one of the best sources of vitamin C, far better than orange juice, which is too sugary for immunocompromised individuals.

Regular consumption of yellow bell peppers will help you effectively fight the viruses responsible for the common cold.

Vitamin D: Essential for Every Cell in the Body

Vitamin D is so important that every cell in the body has receptors for this vitamin. It’s one of the few vitamins our body can synthesize. Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D, but most people don’t consume enough of it. Moreover, eating too much fish can expose you to a risk of mercury toxicity.

The best sources of vitamin D remain sunlight and supplementation. A vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common problems in immunocompromised individuals, but fortunately, it’s easily avoidable.

Garlic’s Allicin: A Powerful Antiviral and Antibacterial Compound

Allicin is a sulfur compound found in garlic, a very common ingredient in our kitchens. It’s a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant, capable of effectively fighting all types of infections.

Dr. Zyrowski himself consumes more garlic when he’s sick, testifying to its importance for health. Garlic is a valuable ally in strengthening our natural immune defenses.

Synthetic Immunity: A False Solution According to Studies

Synthetic immunity, often presented as a miracle solution by doctors and big pharmaceutical companies, consists of laboratory preparations supposed to boost the immune system. However, according to the world-renowned independent research group Cochrane, the flu vaccine, meant to prevent colds, is far less effective than vitamin D.

Relying on natural nutrients to boost immunity would therefore be wiser than resorting to artificial solutions.

Zinc: An Immunity Boost Proven by Studies

Zinc is an essential mineral for our immune system. A study showed that people supplemented with zinc fought colds 3.1 times faster than others. Red meat is an excellent source of zinc, as are seafood, even though few people consume enough to feel the beneficial effects on immunity. Opt for quality red meat to get your fill of zinc.

Quercetin from Red Onions: An Unparalleled Antioxidant

Quercetin is one of the most powerful antioxidants and immune stimulants. It’s found particularly in the skin of red onions. However, to obtain a significant effect on the immune system, you need to make sure to consume these foods in sufficient quantities. In case of illness or for prevention, it may be wise to turn to dietary supplements highly dosed in quercetin or other key nutrients like vitamin C or zinc.